So much recently, I've been at gigs waiting for them to end. I get tired, restless, bothered and no-one has been very impressive. John Butler completely restored my faith. I've been to The Enmore countless times, but I realised I've never been there to see a gig, only comedy. It is such a great venue too - perfect amount of people and such a nice environment.
I wasn't particularly excited for this show, I haven't listened to him in ages, and i forgot (until he started playing) how much I actually knew of his back catalogue and how I identified with it. His songs have the perfect amount of political and social awareness, without his head being too far up his arse (like a certain frontman of U2).
Ocean is a song that I'm sure he performs at most of his gigs (and rightly so) but what I particularly love about this 10 minute-epic... is that it is a 10 minute instrumental. I don't think Sydney, or Australia has much room for indulgent guitar solos but Butler has managed to make it work for him, and people love it. It is a goosebump song, and there certainly aren't many of those around.
Even though I can go on and on about how much I adored him and the gig, it still isn't for everyone. This certain someone that came to the gig with me was all happy and joyful during the concert, however, I found out about 2 weeks later that he hated it. We were driving in the car, I put John Butler on, and I watched his mood drop. Finally it all came out - he just did not like Butler. He did point out though, that he pretended to like him because he knew how much I enjoyed it. This may not sound like much, but a year ago I dragged him along to British India, and I was reminded the entire show that he was not enjoying it. So I thank him for pretending for me. And I also tell him that he is wrong - John Butler is pretttay pretttay amazing.
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